Wyman Residence

Exterior of house

Wyman Residence – Cambridge Massachusetts

This project was an extensive renovation of a two-family residential property and site in the Avon Hill Neighborhood Conservation District of Cambridge MA. The work included the following components:

  • Complete interior and exterior renovation exceeding $1million.
  • Local variances were secured to allow an off-street parking space and an increase in the floor area. The building was raised 12 inches in order to provide a full height basement.
  • Exterior work included new exterior basement walls with historically compatible brick veneer and mortar. The building envelope, site and landscaping were all completely redone.
  • The first floor work included a small rental apartment on one side of the residence. The remaining half of the first floor and the entire second floor were renovated for the Owner’s unit.
  • All mechanical and electrical systems were replaced and fully upgraded.

M I L L S   W H I T A K E R   A R C H I T E C T S