Carriage House – Adaptive Reuse

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Carriage House – Adaptive Reuse

Park Street School Annex / Boston MA

The “Flat of the Hill” is the lower portion of Beacon Hill that was formerly part of the Charles River Basin. Like the adjacent Back Bay of Boston, the land was filled in the 19th century for expansion of the city. Most of lower Beacon Hill was occupied with two story carriage houses that supported the transportation needs of nearby urban residences. Over time, the carriage houses were converted into homes or demolished for multi-story apartment buildings.

Park Street School purchased one of the few remaining carriage house structures for use as an annex to the school. Built prior to 1883 and converted into a residence, the carriage house is directly across Chestnut Street from the main school building. Mills Whitaker Architects has been retained to convert the historic structure into administrative offices, meeting rooms and an expanded science classroom for the elementary school.

M I L L S   W H I T A K E R   A R C H I T E C T S