Dover Town Hall

town hall

Dover Town Hall

The circa 1921 Town Hall in Dover was designed by the architectural firm of Kilham, Hopkins and Greeley. Mills Whitaker Architects has provided the following services:

  •  1997 Study / Lower Town Hall – preliminary design study for improving conditions in the lower town hall for use by the community.
  • 1998 Study / Whole Town Hall – comprehensive renovation study of the whole building. We assessed existing conditions, defined renovation objectives, revised interior layouts, developed schematic design layout and project budget.
  • 1999 Renovation of Town Hall – selective renovation involving revised office layouts, interior finishes, code upgrades, masonry repairs, wood column replacement, window restoration and utility upgrades.
  • 2000 to Present – Architectural Consultant to Town of Dover for various work related to municipal structures including the former elementary school, future community center, police station, library and house museums.

M I L L S   W H I T A K E R   A R C H I T E C T S