First Parish Church of Concord MA

church exterior


First Parish Church of Concord MA

Circa 1900 historic structure for a 363-year-old church organization in the heart of Concord Massachusetts. Mills Whitaker Architects has provided the following services:

  • 1998 Consultant to Preservation Technology Associates, Inc. for analysis of existing conditions and recommendations for repair of church tower.
  • 1999 Belfry Repair Project – prime consultant for replication of wooden bell wheel, replacement of bell support systems and repair of tolling devices.
  • 2000 Tower Refinishing Project – tower painting, gold leafing and window repairs.
  • 2001 Cupola Repair Project – consultant for carpentry repairs related to powder post beetle damage.
  • 2003 Nursery School Project – developed work scope for selective renovations to the Nursery School area of the facility.

M I L L S   W H I T A K E R   A R C H I T E C T S