Led by Don Mills and Craig Whitaker, M I L L S  W H I T A K E R  A R C H I T E C T S specializes in the restoration, rehabilitation, and modification of historic structures and replacement buildings. We also have a significant practice in residential single-family house renovations and new designs. Our award-winning projects are located in southern and coastal Maine and in eastern Massachusetts.

Professional Custom Design and Preservation Expertise in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine Since 1982.

Mills Whitaker Architects LLC specializes in historic preservation, religious property restoration, multi-use facility planning and residential design. Many of our projects are phased repairs, restorations and alterations to existing properties.

Many of our projects are phased repairs, restorations and alterations to existing properties. Our projects frequently begin with an assessment of a building’s historical development and an analysis of existing conditions. Once an understanding of the facility has been established, we develop prioritized budgets, design options and detailed plans for phased renovations. We are also involved in the new construction of institutional and residential facilities.

We are a small, hands-on firm with a staff of five professionals, three of whom are registered architects. Principal architects Donald W. Mills and Craig A. Whitaker began collaboration in 1982 while graduate students in architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1997, after years of diverse design and construction experience with frequent joint ventures, we formed Mills Whitaker Architects.

Members of our firm are currently licensed as architects in Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire and one is registered with the U.S. Green Building Council as a LEED-Accredited Professional. Our firm’s approach to projects includes the consistent, direct involvement of our principal architects in every aspect of our services. We encourage prospective clients to review our work and contact our references.

Awards and Honors